Extension of Zoos and Deer Parks
![black bug](https://cdnbbsr.s3waas.gov.in/s3c5866e93cab1776890fe343c9e7063fb/uploads/2021/04/2021042876.jpg )
It is an on-going state plan scheme.
Improvement of Zoos and Deer parks existing in the state for providing better habitat to wildlife living therein.
The zoos in the country have to follow the guidelines issued by the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) of MoEF (GOI) and have to be approved by it. In the absence of adequate resources for the management of zoos, three zoos were closed in the State and only three zoos at Pipli , Rohtak and Bhiwani were given provisional approval by CZA. In the light of the various directions issued by Govt. of India for proper enclosures for the zoo animals, lot of improvement needs to be done at these zoos. CZA has given specific requirement of space and facilities for each species of wild animal kept in the zoo. The layout plan for Pipli and Rohtak zoos has been prepared and submitted for approval to CZA. Although some cages at Pipli and Rohtak zoos fit into these specifications, there are other enclosures that need to be renovated and enlarged. CZA provides adequate funds for such works, although the basic responsibility of maintaining the zoos lies with the State Govt. Therefore, the funds asked for under this scheme are for normal upkeep and maintenance of the animal in the zoo. More cages required to be constructed in the Zoo as per CZA guidelines.
How To Apply
The scheme is wholly funded by the State Govt.