
Information Technology

Haryana Forest Department (HFD) is in the process of taking new initiatives in e- Governance to systematically organize planning, implementation and monitoring of forestry and other related operations by systematic collection, storage and retrieval of Management Information System (MIS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) data through a computer based communication network. The GIS and MIS are significant tools for scientific planning and management. These are being developed to improve efficiency in accounts, administration, forest and wildlife management and personnel management in the department.

The department aims to execute its technology initiatives in an integrated manner wherein all its key functions would be carried out through web based workflows which facilitates each role player to log on to the departmental portal and enter his work/data/ information and which also facilitates every employee to remain in constant touch with the latest happenings in the department. This working methodology will not only bring transparency, responsibility & accountability but will also enhance efficiency. A Project e-Governance Management Team (PeMT), already approved by the government is being made functional at the headquarters for this purpose.

  1. Status of IT infrastructure in HFD:
  2. A) At Head Office level : The computers available in Head office are being interconnected through Local Area Network. Internet connectivity has been upgraded by having a leased line of 5 Mbps. Soft-wares related to Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing like ESRI Arc Info, ESRI Arc View and ERDAS are available at the head office. Departmental website has been developed on SQL Server, 2005. The process of digitization of forest maps has just been initiated and Survey of India (SoI) digital data for all forest areas is available with the department. Digitized maps are stored in a centralized repository. B) At Field Offices level : Computers are available with Circle/Division offices. 115 more computer systems have been recently procured for computerization of offices upto level of Range offices. MS-Office 2010 soft-wares have been procured for computer systems available in the department. Internet connectivity through Broadband has been provided in all the offices at the level of division and above.

  3. Collaboration with other Agencies for Strengthening /Development of GIS/MIS:
  4. A) A Memorandum of Understanding had been signed in the month of May, 2010 by the department with Haryana Space Application Centre (HARSAC), Department of Science & Technology, Government of Haryana and National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organization, Hyderabad for establishment of Geomatic facility and Spatial Information System for the department. Spatial data bases are being developed for Yamunanagar and Morni Forest Divisions as a pilot Project by these organizations. B) A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by the department with Madhya Pradesh Forest Department (MPFD) for development / strengthening of Forest Management Information System (FMIS). Decision Support Systems (DSSs) like Forest Land Management System (FLMS), Forest Plantation Management System (FPMS), Wildlife Management System (WLMS), Forest Enumeration Management System (FEMS), Forest Offence Management System (FOMS) Forest Working Plan Management System (FWMS) and Wood Harvesting Management System (WHMS) are being developed with the assistance of MPFD for implementation in the department. For this purpose, Core Function Groups (DSS Teams) each headed by a Conservator of Forests and assisted by two Divisional Forest Officers for customization of abovementioned applications have been constituted.

  5. GIS Based Monitoring:
  6. The department has introduced GIS based monitoring system. Global Positioning System (GPS), Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), Mobile Mappers & Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) have been /are being procured for the purpose. Digitization of forest boundaries is being done with the help of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department. Division/Range/Block/ Beat/ Compartment boundaries are being digitized. Various assets like forest nurseries, rest houses etc. are also being indicated on the geo-maps. The afforestation done under various projects and schemes sponsored by Central and State government are being geo-referenced and digitized maps of ranges/divisions are under preparation wherein plantation done during previous years are being highlighted.

  7. Software Application:
  8. The department has its own Application Development Cell. Details of major software applications being used by the department is given below:

    Software Application Details
    Sl No. Application Name Application Function DB Platform No of Users No. Physical Locations of Application Usage Type of Access (LAN, Web Based, Dial-Up) Type (Centralized/De-Centralized Standalone)
    1 FCA Cases Monitoring & File Tracking MS Access 1 1 Developed By Dept.
    2 Court Cases Monitoring & File Tracking SQL Server 2005 70 70 Web Based Developed By NIC
    3 Personal Information System Monitoring & File Tracking SQL Server 2005 70 70 Web Based Developed By NIC
    4 Online Budget Allocation System Budget Distribution & Monitoring SQL Server 2005 70 70 Web Based Developed By NIC & DTA
    5 Harsamadhan Complaints Monitoring SQL Server 2005 70 70 Web Based Developed By NIC
  9. Website Development:
  10. Haryana Forest Department has developed its own website and it has been hosted as wherein various information about departmental activities are available. It has links for wings / circles/ divisions for information seekers under RTI act, for stakeholder feedback, general information checklist on afforestation programs, nursery locations and availability of seedlings, availability of timber/fuel wood in various logging depots, auction of timber/ fuel wood and online form submission facility for licenses and Forest Conservation Act proforma filling and submission. The website is being updated periodically.

  11. Training/Capacity Building:
  12. GIS/MIS lab has been established at the headquarters. In order to maintain server, database and networks, 1 GIS Analyst, 1 MIS Programmer, 1 MIS Assistant Programmer and 1 GIS Surveyor have been engaged. Two training facilities have been developed, one at Pinjore and another at Sohna. Regular Forest Guard courses and Forester courses are being run at these training centers for imparting training to untrained front line staff. The forest officials from adjoining states like Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand have also been trained at these training centers. Specialized training for operation of computers with basic knowledge of MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power-point & Internet etc. is also being imparted to ministerial as well as field staff of forest department. Specialized training in Personal Information System (PIS), Court Cases Monitoring System, Harsamadhan and Online Budget Allocation System is also been imparted to ministerial staff by the MIS cell.