
    Afforestation of Wasteland and Agroforestry

    • Date : 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2017

    It is an on-going state plan scheme.


    The proposed outlay for the scheme during 2016-17 has been kept at Rs. 3000.00 lacs to meet with the expenses on salary as per approved cadre of the establishment of the department under the scheme.


    Afforestation of Wastelands and Agro-forestry Project was launched in the state in the year 1991-92 to continue as Social Forestry Project. This project covered wastelands including Alkali lands, Sand Dunes, Other Panchayat Land and Agriculture fields which are generally not covered under traditional forestry programme. The Project paid vital role in harmonizing the regional imbalance of climate and environment in the State and neighboring areas. The project also promoted social, economic and developmental activities